Unlocking the Future: A Journey with Digital Twin Technology

calendar-icon 2024-05-02
podcast-icon PODCAST

In the 3rd episode of our podcast, we talk about digital twin technology and 3 more interesting topics. In this article, you can read about how you can optimize your production line with Digital Twin Technology.

Pathway to the Future

calendar-icon 2024-04-26

What Captivates Young and Aspiring Agricultural Engineers and Professionals in the Agri-Food Sector? As a guest speaker at the Agribussines Club, AGRI-FOOD.AI’s AI consultant, Gergő Boromisza, put himself on stage.

Machine Vision in Animal Counting

calendar-icon 2024-04-23
podcast-icon PODCAST

In the 2nd episode of our podcast, we unraveled the details behind some incredibly innovative technologies. And here, in this article, you can learn the technological background behind the invention!

AGRI-FOOD.AI – The Podcast!

calendar-icon 2024-04-08
podcast-icon PODCAST

Here they come – the IT brains in muddy boots! Are you keen on modernizing your operations with cutting-edge AI technologies like machine vision, IoT, and digital twin tech? Then tune in to us for a dose of info, solutions, and inspiring ideas!

AGRI-FOOD.AI Receives Innovation Award, Aiming for Global Impact!

calendar-icon 2024-03-26

AGRI-FOOD.AI has been honored with the prestigious Innovation Prize for the groundbreaking idea that can transform the global agri-food sector with the help of AI, machine vision and other 21st century technologies.

Unlocking the Potential of AGRI-FOOD.AI: Welcome to the Future!

calendar-icon 2024-03-21

In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture and food production, the integration of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), sensors, and IoT (Internet of Things) has become the new standard. Gone are the days of traditional methods; now, it’s all about embracing innovation to propel your farm or factory into the future.

Machine Vision

calendar-icon 2024-03-21

The form of machine vision systems has evolved from early image processing techniques to sophisticated deep learning models […]

To smarten

calendar-icon 2024-03-20

The term “smarten” refers to the process of modernizing or upgrading older technologies (e.g. old production lines) in a cost-effective manner […]


calendar-icon 2024-03-20

The development of sensors used in IoT (Internet of Things) based systems has seen remarkable advancements in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for connected devices and the proliferation of IoT applications across various industries.

Internet of Things

calendar-icon 2024-03-20

The Internet of Things (IoT) initially envisioned as a means to connect ordinary objects to the internet, has evolved into an extensive network of interconnected devices spanning numerous industries and applications.

Digital Twin

calendar-icon 2024-03-20

Initially, digital twin models were rudimentary, static representations derived from CAD drawings or 3D models. While these early models offered visual depictions of physical assets, they lacked the capacity to simulate real-time behavior or interactions.

Cutting-Edge Solutions

calendar-icon 2024-03-20

“Cutting-edge solutions” refers to the latest and most innovative approaches, technologies, or methodologies available in a particular field or industry. These solutions represent the forefront of development and are characterized by their novelty, effectiveness, and potential to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Artificial Intelligence

calendar-icon 2024-03-20

The architecture of AI systems has transitioned from rudimentary rule-based and expert systems to sophisticated machine learning models and neural networks. In the 1950s and 1960s, researchers laid the groundwork for AI with the development of early neural network models, such as the perceptron. […]

Deep Learning

calendar-icon 2024-03-20

Deep learning, as a complex technology is revolutionizing the way we approach complex problems and tasks since its arrival in the 1990s. It is a transformative technology with strong impacts on various fields, from computer vision to natural language processing ant automation systems.

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